Use "seep|seeped|seeping|seeps" in a sentence

1. The rain seeped through the roof.

2. They're seeping pus.

3. The power had gradually seeped away.

4. Blood seeped down his leg.

5. Dreams are water seeping through cracks in the dike.

6. 3 Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.

7. Blood was beginning to seep through the bandages.

8. Water can now seep in.

9. Breathable shield allows evaporation, yet blocks moisture from seeping to clothing.

10. Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.

11. Blood began to seep from his hands.

12. My anger began to seep away.

13. Then slowly the tension began to seep away.

14. Answer: Kimmie revelous Antistrophal telemetacarpal visceripericardial seeped shorer

15. The fetid smell of swamp seeped through the concrete.

16. The all-pervading red dust seeped into every nook and cranny.

17. Let the village atmosphere seep into your pores.

18. The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.

19. 26 Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply.

20. It would seep in and we'd choke, too.

21. Generally speaking, though, suburban gentility has seeped across the map.

22. It seemed to be seeping in from all sides, but how?

23. It will seep, and then it's going to draw.

24. Nagging unease began to seep into Delaney's weary bones.

25. Large amounts of carbon dioxide are continuously seeping into and accumulating in the ground.

26. This heat wave seeps and is affecting the Chinese some dance art pioneers'thought gradually.

27. 19 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.

28. The art begins to seep deep into his psychological being.

29. 13 The poisons seeping from Hanford's contaminated land quickly dilute in the water.

30. Everyday horrors seep into his unconscious like stains on a sheet.

31. 18 There is a kind of laziness or weariness which seeps into troubled marriages.

32. Let's repair the dam before water seeps in. A stitch in time saves nine.

33. A gas main had cracked under my neighbour's garage and gas had seeped into our homes.

34. Seeping through the squalid air of the police station, the sour smell of dirt and disinfectant.

35. helped to advance our knowledge of the biodiversity of vents and seeps, seamounts and abyssal plains.

36. His attitude seems to seep into all comers of the company.

37. But toxic pesticides seeped into the air, soil, plants, animals, rivers and oceans.

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39. This permits fluid to seep behind the retina, floating it off the choroid.

40. It would take months, perhaps a year, for such strength to seep away.

41. Juggling work and household chores, I felt ennui seeping into all phases of my life.

42. • The gases seeped several inches into seams between segments of insulation, Charring the material

43. The LES contracts, squeezing the stomach entrance and creating a high pressure zone that prevents digestive acids from seeping out.

44. In the meanwhile, restorer Saveli Yamshchikov thinks that some of this war booty is already seeping out of the country.

45. They tried to loosen them but failed. Blood began to seep from his hands.

46. 19 They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the runnel.

47. 20 The excitement gradually left them and the boyish sense of adventure seeped slowly away.

48. Water seeps down through the limestone, carrying along tiny deposits of the rock it's washing away.

49. 1 Not long up, her cambric dressing-gown was held tightly about her throat as the chill seeped through the air.

50. Get contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying Plastic Bangles, Seep Bangles …

51. The two lakes near Le Pont have no outlets above ground; the water seeps away in the karst substratum.

52. The little ones are licking each other again, and Harry's got a seeping wart on his extra toe.

53. Another major source of pollution are the heavy metals that have seeped into the rivers of Thailand.

54. 19 The car was sluggish, as if his thoughts had seeped into the car through his hands.

55. Beware of marker pens, as their ink tends to seep deeply into the wood.

56. If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.

57. Atrazine can travel (seep or leach) through soil and can enter groundwater which may be used as drinking water

58. The Talara Tar Seeps in Peru represent a similar scenario, and have also produced fossils of Smilodon.

59. Clearly, their ties to the place remained, and no discord or rivalry over it seeps into family correspondence.

60. Authigenic carbonates recovered from two newly discovered active cold seeps on the northwestern slope of the South China Sea have been studied using petrography, mineralogy, stable carbon and oxygen isotopic, as well as trace element compositions, together with AMS 14 C ages of shells of seep-dwelling bivalves to unravel fluid sources, formation conditions, and seepage dynamics.

61. Over 10,000 years in the making, The Crater formed when melting snow on the Wasatch Mountains seeped deep within the earth

62. The iconic reef is being damaged by pesticides and sediment from farms that seep into waterways.

63. The odour of must and the small waking cry of a child seep into the air.

64. She didn't move away but allowed the small pressure to seep through to her very soul where it nestled comfortably.

65. After all, “natural seeps from the ocean floor have been releasing oil into the world’s waters” for aeons.

66. Water seeps into the caves from above-ground, carrying minute particles of calcium carbonate dissolved from the limestone.

67. The taste comes from dissolved minerals accumulating in the water as it seeps through the rock layers.

68. Even when mountains were being blasted, excess oil could seep into cracks and later cause accidents.

69. The rain, still fresh on the grass, began to seep through the soles of his boots.

70. The helium would seep up through fissures, and hence its natural occurrence near the hot springs.

71. 17 The rector felt suddenly weakened, as if the anger had seeped into his own bones, his own spirit.

72. Some workers are poking the soil with sticks to get water to seep in, singing as they go.

73. The bacteria metabolise hydrogen sulfide and methane produced by the seeps, and are harvested by the animals' comb-like mouthparts.

74. When you eat , acid forms on the outside of the tooth and seeps into the enamel ' s rods .

75. The rain seeps down through the snow and forms a bit of terra firma when the temperature plummets.

76. Metazoans are virtually absent except in some of the lakes where fresh water seeps in at the edges.

77. This means, for instance, that only the uranium isotopes are present in waters that seep into limestone caves.

78. 27 It was a telltale sign that water was seeping through the canyon walls, softening the mica shale and conglomerate abutment.

79. As Godoy claimed, the Tumult of Aranjuez was the work of seduced plebeians, a revolution that seeped down from above.

80. Overall, the substrate and nutritional heterogeneity introduced by Authigenic seep carbonates act to promote diverse, uniquely adapted assemblages, even after seepage ceases